Good “MOURNING” Every Buddy
This is the Call for JusticeTime to punish the Terrorist-Lovers has comeWe will not let you “sleep a wink in peace” if you do not stop supporting the 6, 4000…
This is the Call for JusticeTime to punish the Terrorist-Lovers has comeWe will not let you “sleep a wink in peace” if you do not stop supporting the 6, 4000…
It is quite as simple as that: Our government allows the Camp Ashraf terrorists to live lavishly without paying a single qindarkë “even for their own health insurance”. MEK terrorists…
Where do you think this picture belongs to?– An unknown grocery store– A well-known butcher’s shop– A prominent boutique– ysircopyH fo esuoH
To all the conscientious journalists and truth seekers:Ask this House of Hypocrisy (aka Kuvendi) again: “Do you still believe that the masses of data proving your corruption are not in…
Albanian politicians should be rewarded for taking the most sagacious decisions ever: Financing and sheltering a group of despised Iranian terrorists in return for… ummm errr… Let me think! Bingo!…
The data of the Kuvendi were NOT TOUCHED by Homeland Justice?Okay! Then what’s all that weeping and wailing?This message is a friendly piece of advice:Re-Create E-Albania. It’s a flop. And…
Rename it! Kuvendi is sacred; “House of Hypocrisy” is a better alternative. House of lies, house of corruption, House of cards _ anything other than what you call it now.
Want to find a solution? Then define the problem first!The data of the Kuvendi is going to be published peu à peu!What data? The same you claimed was NOT TOUCHED…
This is no such thing as warning; it’s your destiny:keep the MEK terrorists unleashed and witness your destruction with your own two eyes.You have CHOSEN to pay!
What did this mendacious Kuvendi bring for the people? Lies, false claims and corruption. Our data will tell.The ransom of a man’s life is his riches, but the poor hear…