Tweet: Coming soon for the big sale
Those in charge have all lied to youThey are all corrupt and mendaciousThis is only a fraction of the hacked data.Coming soon for the big sale…
Those in charge have all lied to youThey are all corrupt and mendaciousThis is only a fraction of the hacked data.Coming soon for the big sale…
Your own people, or foreign terrorist?Not so hard to choose, I presume!The Homeland Justice in accountable for ANYTHING that has happened _ and WILL happen _ to The corrupt Albanian…
The Homeland Justice could have caused more harm and damage;but we hesitated when realizing OUR PEOPLE would also be affected.We do not pay taxes to feed the #Terrorists.
We performed the #CyberAttacks to express our hatred and anger towards the Albanian government.Foreing terrorists and moneylaunderes do not belong to owr sacred land.Our land is in need of pesticide…
What we did was simply a brotherly-warning to the already-fully-corrupt government of #Albania.The main measures are to be taken…Why should our taxes be spent on brestfeeding terrorists?Justice must be served.
konferenca e Durrësit, çelësi i ferrit ose fundi i zjarrit.(justicehomeland)(
TIRANA, Albania — The Albanian government said Thursday that most public websites were working again while an investigation to find the source of a cyberattack that disrupted them continues.Prime Minister…
The member of the Headship of the Democratic Party, Arben Ristani, has cast doubts on the cyber attack that was made on the e-albania system and government services. Link:
Albanian government systems and public services websites got shut down on Sunday following a massive cyberattack.The attack came from outside the country and forced the closure of a number of…
TIRANA, Albania — The Albanian government on Monday said its webpage and all those of the public institutions have been shut down following a cyberattack from an undisclosed source.A statement…