The MEK moles Have Enchained your Souls
If anyone says, “I adore Lord,” and hates his brother, he is a Hypocrite; for he who murders his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has…
You failed to protect the Land of Eagles
They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved.Peter 2:19
“Promises” not kept, “Accounts” Paradoxical
You have never cared about people’s assets, nor will you ever do. “Sympathy” is just a word you don’t understand. There are “The People” and “The Peopler”. Vous vous croyez…
King Rama Will not Care; He only Gets the Hush Money!
The Corrupt Leaders will not care about how our security is undermined by the presence of MEK terrorists. Soon enough, nothing of our privacy will remain unpublished. It feels like…
What is taking you so long, You corrupt frauds!
Deceiving your own people Must Not be that hard for you. Give them some “fabricated” numbers and figures and name it “census”! They will at least TRY to believe that.The…
It starts with privacy but ends with security [if not chaos]
What Else have you left for your own people? What else will remain after the Bloody June? Do not answer. Wait to feel it. Wait for the Day of Judgment.The…
Hand in hand with terrorists for the Bloody June?
The weather will get hotter and hotter in June. Hence, Fire Hydrants will be the only equipment to douse the ablaze corrupt creatures of the Two Houses of Hypocrisy.End of…
In your privacy “Corruption” is vividly seen
Official and unofficial; Every Lek, Euro and Dollar you are wasting on supporting MEK terrorists will be dagger in your hearts. People are frustrated with their incompetent and corrupt politicians.
Your correspondence with terrorists will backfire
Corruption, Corruption, Corruption. The three things that come to mind when reading your mails and messages to/from terrorist. Your people are more important than the Muxhahedin terrorists.
Let that not Happen
We do not want the big event to happen. How many of Albanians do you think are Okay with their taxes being spent on supporting Iranian terrorist of Camp Ashraf3…