Unanswered Questions!
The sheltered Muxhahedin have not paid a single Lek as taxes so far. On the contrary, “our taxes” are being paid to feed them. Why is there no transparency on…
Documents: Continuous Contradiction!
1+ The Mujahedin have assassinated 17000 Iranian people!1- Well. They were not people; they were those who did not like the MEK!2+ The Mujahedin have murdered 4000 Iraqi Kurds!2- It…
Fostering Zombies Has Consequences
Finally, Albanian politicians have woken up from winter sleep and are thinking about defending their own people (instead of MEK terrorists).
You Have Unlimited Freedom (Only To Agree With Me)
Definitely, there is Freedom of Press in Albania.You are free ONLY NOT TO SAY A SINGLE WORD about Homeland Justice Hackers and the horrible sufferings that MEK’s annual summits in…
Supporting MEK Terrorists has its Consequences
Recently, an important meeting was held by the leaders of Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/MKO/NCRI/PMOI/NLA) in one of their headquarters in the suburbs of Paris. The topic of the meeting was “the…
Documents: Newton’s Third Law: Action & Reaction
According to the Data disclosed on MEK’s websites, the soil of Durres has been used as the headquarters of conducting physical and cyber-attacks against other countries.Wait for a revenge that…
Documents: Axe-loving trees
How is it that the trees are to vote for the axe?Or the innocent necks for the guillotine?
Documents: Choosing The Chokers
Your Candidates are rebels and companions of thieves;They take bribes and chase after Prostitutes.They do not fight poverty, nor do they show any piety when they are tempted by bribes…
Documents: Repatriate the terrorists
Don’t be deceived by this “sham fight”!Jackals and Hyenas both want the “lion’s share” of peoples taxes.
Documents: Room 101
Nothing will remain of you, not a name in a register, not a memory in a living brain. You will be annihilated in the past as well as in the…