We want to Start a Fire!
We want to start a fire!The Parliament of Albania was hacked.The page is not available.Now we have all the data of the parliament.Login to the server…We warned you!The amount of…
We want to start a fire!The Parliament of Albania was hacked.The page is not available.Now we have all the data of the parliament.Login to the server…We warned you!The amount of…
We already proved that the claws of the Eagle are where the sparrow belongs.You might have forgotten the past, but we’ll make sure you’ll remember and feel it soon, little…
Today, the series of operations called DDMC were accomplished through whichwww.One.ALwww.EagleMoble.ALwww.AirAlbania.COM.ALandParliament.ALWere targeted.If we do not reach the desired result on what we emphasized on earlier, then you should expect new…
Our corrupt MPs shall soon be devastated when they realize how their inner demon is being demonstrated to every truth seeker.parlament.al
Air Albania’s data is now in our hand. Homeland Justice team accessed to its data. We then removed the “storage-occupying” data from its servers. All businesses and legal entities are…
Why should the clients trust you at all when their bribe-taking politicians cannot keep their data safe?
MyOneAL, the supporter and provider of MEK’s troll farm and cyber sabotage teams should have learned a lessen earlier. Better late than never, though!
Albanian Mobile Communications (AMC) was hacked by Homeland Justice. Ignoring our “humanitarian warnings” cost your corrupt politicians All this. But do not be deceived. This is going to continue until…
Regarding the widespread corruption and recent events in or country, we have decided to come back.Prepare yourselves for the Dark Ages. Albania is NO Land for Terrorists
The sheltered Muxhahedin have not paid a single Lek as taxes so far. On the contrary, “our taxes” are being paid to feed them. Why is there no transparency on…