What is expected of the year 2025?
2025 will be a memorable year for all of usJustice is inevitable#StormOfJustice
2025 will be a memorable year for all of usJustice is inevitable#StormOfJustice
Freedom must be chosen with Justice. One without the other would be meaningless. Summer Nightmares are on the way!
We now have full access to over a 100 Terabytes of your GIS and census dataThe data have also been copied and removed from the servers.We will bring Justice back…
Your Punishment will NOT end, as YOU have wanted it to be so…The LORD spoke to Moses in the Desert of Sinai on “the first day” of “the second month”…
We did that for the sake of people’s awareness. We Will Make an Effort not to cause “them” any harm
SHISH surveillanceWait for a “bombshell” to drop Instead of wasting our people’s taxes on the anti-human terrorists of Durres, spend the money for the cultivated people of Albania. ◉Assassination of…
When The Security of the Terrorists of Durres(MEK) is More Important than The Security of Your Own People, …
As Long As There is Support for Terrorism, there is also Struggle; as long as There is a Struggle, So Are We
Vigilance and Disgust of People after the Release of Documents