What is expected of the year 2025?
2025 will be a memorable year for all of usJustice is inevitable#StormOfJustice
2025 will be a memorable year for all of usJustice is inevitable#StormOfJustice
There are two hidden and unknown blessings: SeCuRiTy and well-being! Everything looks normal up until you realize that one of these two is missing. Sheltering those who have brought insecurity…
Midsummer nights will be way more scorching for you than midsummer days. Hospitality is a virtue, but not when the guests are child killers. All your confidential Data are under…
Freedom must be chosen with Justice. One without the other would be meaningless. Summer Nightmares are on the way!
e-AlbaniaKuvendiSHISHAKEPAKSHIINSTATOne AlbaniaAir AlbaniaCorruption of PoliticiansBribery of the officialsTheir support for terrorismAll that have caused people’s wrath and rage
We will try to believe that MEK captives are ordinary people. But why is it that they are not free to commute in the city like ordinary people? Who is…
We are the troops of God on earth to emancipate the captivated MEK members. Why should they be kept in a Military camp if they are really are “ordinary citizens”?!Beloved,…
Remove the walls so that Albanians can transparently see that MEK members are living a cult-like life!And he said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it…
Why are they still in celibacy? What do Albanians know about this dangerous “cult”?The Lord works righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed.Psalm 103:6ScorchingSummer
May he defend the cause of the poor of the people, give deliverance to the children of the needy, and crush the oppressor!Psalm 72:4#ScorchingSummer