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e-AlbaniaKuvendiSHISHAKEPAKSHIINSTATOne AlbaniaAir AlbaniaCorruption of PoliticiansBribery of the officialsTheir support for terrorismAll that have caused people’s wrath and rage
e-AlbaniaKuvendiSHISHAKEPAKSHIINSTATOne AlbaniaAir AlbaniaCorruption of PoliticiansBribery of the officialsTheir support for terrorismAll that have caused people’s wrath and rage
We are the troops of God on earth to emancipate the captivated MEK members. Why should they be kept in a Military camp if they are really are “ordinary citizens”?!Beloved,…
If anyone says, “I adore Lord,” and hates his brother, he is a Hypocrite; for he who murders his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has…
The weather will get hotter and hotter in June. Hence, Fire Hydrants will be the only equipment to douse the ablaze corrupt creatures of the Two Houses of Hypocrisy.End of…
Official and unofficial; Every Lek, Euro and Dollar you are wasting on supporting MEK terrorists will be dagger in your hearts. People are frustrated with their incompetent and corrupt politicians.
We do not want the big event to happen. How many of Albanians do you think are Okay with their taxes being spent on supporting Iranian terrorist of Camp Ashraf3…
The answer is simple. Stop spending people’s taxes on MEK terrorists, and you will face no more disasters of such kind. Also, avoid looking for a more complicated [and more…
It might take a bit of time, but do not worry! We will let you know of the scale of the disaster that the “corrupt politicians” of Albania have afflicted…
Supporting terrorists is shameful. Lying to your own people is even worse. Do you think MEK-lovers can protect people’s “assets” the same way they protected their data?
Was it really worth it? You “did” have a better choice: Say NO to terrorists of Durres and live an honorable life. You Don’t want Kuvendi emails to be read…