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e-AlbaniaKuvendiSHISHAKEPAKSHIINSTATOne AlbaniaAir AlbaniaCorruption of PoliticiansBribery of the officialsTheir support for terrorismAll that have caused people’s wrath and rage
e-AlbaniaKuvendiSHISHAKEPAKSHIINSTATOne AlbaniaAir AlbaniaCorruption of PoliticiansBribery of the officialsTheir support for terrorismAll that have caused people’s wrath and rage
Numbers always tell us the truth. It is shameful that the corrupt government has been incapable of protecting the result of 17 million Euros. INSTAT was supposed to protect people’s…
Is there anyone [in his right mind] who still believes that the mendacious, corrupt politicians have access to INSTAT’s data? If so, see a psychiatrist ASAP.All the statistics are against…
We now have full access to over a 100 Terabytes of your GIS and census dataThe data have also been copied and removed from the servers.We will bring Justice back…