The sheltered Muxhahedin have not paid a single Lek as taxes so far. On the contrary, “our taxes” are being paid to feed them. Why is there no transparency on how much Albanian government is paying for the expenses of the 3000 Muxhahedin terrorists (MEK/MKO/PMOI/NCRI/NLA)?
MEK terrorists have confiscated tens of hectares of Albanian land in which they have built luxurious fortifications called Camp Ashraf! Who is Ashraf, by the way? The first wife of Massoud Rajavi (Maryam Rajavi is his third wife_ not the second).
Will Albanian politicians also give the same amount of land and building to their own people for free?! I don’t think so!
Albania (= Albanian Politicians _ not people) has taken a 190 million dollar loan from IMF. Have they ever told you how this loan with that huge “interest rate” has been wasted? Ask Muxhahedin officials _ they’ll give you a more precise answer! Waiting for the Albanian officials to answer will take a century.
Has anything ever become transparent on PMOI and NCRI leaders’ bank accounts in Albania? Does any Albanian “citizen” (not politician) know how much taxes they have paid (=been paid to)?!